Sunday - Oct 20th, 2013
Today we had our first Sunday Funday and we made many new friends.
Shalom to Lilah-Liesl, Max, Felix, another Max, Léa, Nathael, Simon, Claire, ...
Today we learnt the Shema : Shema Israel, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad / Hear, O Israel the Lord is our God, the Lord is One
We also made our homemade mezzuzahs for our bedroom doors.

Empty or dried out glue stick
Paper to decorate and cut around tube, and another for the lid
Crayons, markers or stickers
Optional décorate
Tape to mount to doorframe
Instructions :
Twist glue stick until bottom of the inner tube is fully extended, then pull straight out.
You should see the inner spindle around which you will put he scroll later
Color, draw or decorate paper or simply use pretty paper.
Glue paper around the tube and around the cap
Choose a front side of the tube and add the letter shin or draw the letter on the front of the decorated paper.
Add any other decoration to the front of the tube, but keep the back smooth
Insert the scroll (with shema noted on it) and mount...
Book : A mezzuzah on the door, by Amy Meltzer (Kar-Ben Productions).
A story of a little boy Noah who moves into a new house in the suburbs. He misses the smells and noises of his old apartment in the city. Noah has trouble sleeping too. The next morning his mother says they were having a Hannukat Habayit. A dedication ceremony of their jewish home. So they go to a store to buy one for the front doorpost and one for Noahs room. Noah learns that they use special paper called parchement (just like the torah) and that the words of the shema is written on it, this is then put Inside the mezuzzah. That night all their old friends come to celebrate. His father places the mezuzah on the front doorpost, they say a blessing : Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b'mitzvotav, vitzivanu lik'bo'a mezuzah