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Tu Bshvat @ Sunday Funday

Sunday, Jan 27th we celebrated Tu Bshvat at Sunday Funday.

Tu = 15
B' shvat = of the month of shevat.

We talked about the importance of nature, the importance of growing trees.  We learnt the word etz  which is hebrew for trees. 
Tu Bshvat is also known as the New Year of trees, some also say it is the birthday of trees, so we had a cake and sang Yom Holedet Sameach to the etz :-)

We said that trees was important to help us breathe, to shade us from the sun and great place to have picnics.  Trees are a great place to play as well, we could have a swing in it, a tree house, or just climb on its branches for fun...but we also said that trees gives us fruit and vegetables to eat,.

We then drew tree decorations, planted seeds in a cup and decorated it.  Once our little tomatoe trees start sprouting we will replant them so that we could have some cherry tomotoes for our passover seder.

We had a mini seder.   A seder is a meal with a special order, just like at passover :

We said the bracha for the grape juice :

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melekh haolam, boray pri hagafen.

We drank four cups of different grape juice. We mixed white grape juice with the red. We saw how the colour changed.  We spoke about the different seasons and colours we see outside. 

1st cup — all white grape juice, symbolizing the cold weather of winter and the land covered in snow.  We saw lots of snow this winter !

2nd cup — white with a little red mixed in, symbolizing the coming of spring. We are all looking forward to sprring when our cherry tomatoes will be growing !

3rd cup — red with a little white mixed in, symbolizing the warmth of spring
4th cup — all red, symbolizing the heat of summer and the full blossoming of nature.

We learnt the blessing for fruit :
Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu Melekh haolam, boray pri haetz.

We also ate different kinds of fruit which grows on trees and which grows in Israel.

Adding the sand to plant our seeds...


Abigail - all set to go !

 Toby nearly there...  look at those green fingers

Our mini seder...

Hannukah with Sunday funday friends

The kids hard at working making their ceramic
 menorahs with much excitement for the holidays...