" A fun place to learn"


CALENDAR for 2009-2010

These are the tentative dates for our classes. Please note that the location may change according to the activities. The classes are held once a month alternating between Paris and the suburbs. Keep a look out for updated messages :

Sept 13th : Rosh Hoshana (KG17)

Oct 18th : Sukkoth: 3d sukkah (KG SG)

Nov 8th : Tzedakah : what is a Tzedakah box? (KG 17)

Dec 6th
: Hannukah: My very own menorah (KG 17)

Jan 10th: Shabbath : challah making (@ Aviva Timonier's place)

Feb 14th: Purim : A purim story; crowns, puppets (KG17)

March 21st: Passover : How do we make matzah ? (suburbs)

April 11th : Yom Haatzmaouth (KG 17)

May 16th : Shavouth

June 13th