La semaine dernière les enfants ont eu "une avant première" de pourim.
Nous sommes rendus chez Daphné et Michel à Boulogne Billancourt ou les enfants ont vécu un peu le carnival et ont même préparé les gâteaux de pourim les hamantaschen !
Nous avons lu l'histoire d'Esther qui est intervenu auprès du roi, son mari, en faveur de son peuples, les juifs, qui ont été menacés. Grâce à son intervention le peuple juif a été sauvé.
Nous avons appris de faire du bruit pendant la lecture de la megillah (livre de l'histoire d'Esther lu à la synagogue le jour de pourim) !
Encore un grand merci à Daphné et Michel pour leur chaleureux accueil !
Sunday Funday est allée au Musee de l'Art et Histoire du Judaîsme
Le 9 février dernier nous sommes allés au musée pour entendre la belle histoire de Noé.
Les enfants ont écouté l'histoire attentivement. Chaque enfant a choisi un animal et puis pendant la visite du musée, ils ont du trouvé leur animal dans l'art exposé dans le musée - une sorte de chasse au trésor. Au retour dans l'atelier les enfants ont fabriqué les masque d'animaux au choix ...
Les enfants ont écouté l'histoire attentivement. Chaque enfant a choisi un animal et puis pendant la visite du musée, ils ont du trouvé leur animal dans l'art exposé dans le musée - une sorte de chasse au trésor. Au retour dans l'atelier les enfants ont fabriqué les masque d'animaux au choix ...
Challah recipe at last !
Hi everyone
Here is our challah recipe which I am sure you will be able to enjoy making over the school holidays.
Bonne fête de fin d'année à tous !
Challah recipe

Where it may be eaten with meat dishes, milk and butter are ommitted and oil or margarine and water used.
Yeast : fresh yeast bought at your local boulangère or instant yeast bought at local supermarket. 25g fresh = 1 sachet (15ml) instant. The fresh yeast must be a pale grey colour. If you mix it with a little sugar, it becomes liquid and can then be added to the other ingredients.
1 packet instant yeast or 25g fresh yeast
45ml (3tbs) sugar
5 x 250ml flour
15ml (1 Tbs) salt
3 eggs, lighly beaten
60g (1/4 cup) soft butter, margarine or oil
310ml (1 and a 1/4 cup) warm water or milk (approx)
Sift all dry ingredients together into a mixing bowl. Make a well and Add yeast according to your type. Then add lightly beaten eggs and milk, mix together with wooden spoon. Then add softened butter. Start mixing with fingers.
Turn it out onto a well-floured surface and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic (This takes max. 10 minutes). Do not overwork dough as it may avoid dough rising.
Place the dough in a large bowl (at least 3 times bigger than dough) lightly oil sides of bowl to avoid it sticking, cover with a warm damp cloth or cling wrap and leave in a warm place to rise to double its size.
After the dough has risen, return it to the floured surface; divide into two for loaves. *
Divide each half into 3 and roll each piece into a long sausage.
Plait crossing the braid over and not under. Do not braid too tight. Always bring the outside braid to the centre
**Cover and leave to rise till double its size
Brush with yellow of egg and sprinkle poppy or sesame seeds or just plain.
Bake at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes or until golden.
*/**If you inten
d freezing stop at this step or just after braiding.
Braiding : divide into three long sausages. Pinch the tops together and fold under. Cross the right over the centre and then left over the centre through till end of bread. Pinch bottoms together and fold under. Ensure that the tops and bottoms are well pinched together and folded under to avoid it separating during baking...
Here is our challah recipe which I am sure you will be able to enjoy making over the school holidays.
Bonne fête de fin d'année à tous !
Challah recipe
Where it may be eaten with meat dishes, milk and butter are ommitted and oil or margarine and water used.
Yeast : fresh yeast bought at your local boulangère or instant yeast bought at local supermarket. 25g fresh = 1 sachet (15ml) instant. The fresh yeast must be a pale grey colour. If you mix it with a little sugar, it becomes liquid and can then be added to the other ingredients.
1 packet instant yeast or 25g fresh yeast
45ml (3tbs) sugar
5 x 250ml flour
15ml (1 Tbs) salt
3 eggs, lighly beaten
60g (1/4 cup) soft butter, margarine or oil
310ml (1 and a 1/4 cup) warm water or milk (approx)
Sift all dry ingredients together into a mixing bowl. Make a well and Add yeast according to your type. Then add lightly beaten eggs and milk, mix together with wooden spoon. Then add softened butter. Start mixing with fingers.
Turn it out onto a well-floured surface and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic (This takes max. 10 minutes). Do not overwork dough as it may avoid dough rising.
Place the dough in a large bowl (at least 3 times bigger than dough) lightly oil sides of bowl to avoid it sticking, cover with a warm damp cloth or cling wrap and leave in a warm place to rise to double its size.
After the dough has risen, return it to the floured surface; divide into two for loaves. *
Divide each half into 3 and roll each piece into a long sausage.
Plait crossing the braid over and not under. Do not braid too tight. Always bring the outside braid to the centre
**Cover and leave to rise till double its size
Brush with yellow of egg and sprinkle poppy or sesame seeds or just plain.
Bake at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes or until golden.
*/**If you inten
d freezing stop at this step or just after braiding.
Braiding : divide into three long sausages. Pinch the tops together and fold under. Cross the right over the centre and then left over the centre through till end of bread. Pinch bottoms together and fold under. Ensure that the tops and bottoms are well pinched together and folded under to avoid it separating during baking...
Our shabbat class
Shabbat shalom,
On Dec 15th, what fun we had. We learnt about lighting the candles for shabbath, about the creation, we decorated challah covers, but most of all we baked our own challah....and oh what fun that was !
We also celebrated 3 birthdays - Yom Holedet to Simon, Joseph and Elie and bon appetit
On Dec 15th, what fun we had. We learnt about lighting the candles for shabbath, about the creation, we decorated challah covers, but most of all we baked our own challah....and oh what fun that was !
We also celebrated 3 birthdays - Yom Holedet to Simon, Joseph and Elie and bon appetit
Chanukah is around the corner...chag sameach !
What we learned about chanukah at Sunday Funday ?
Last week we read the story of how the maccabees fought so that we today have the freedom to pray together to go to shul openly. We read how the Maccabees hid in the hills and after a difficult fight against the greeks, took back the temple and after cleaning rededicated the temple and a miracle happened. A little bit of oil lasted 8 days...
Today we celebrate hanukkah over 8 days lighting a candle each night :
Lighting the chanukah menorah
The Chanukah candles are lit at sunset. So when you look out the window and you see three stars then you know you can start lighting the candles.
The chanukah candles (there are 8 one for each night) cannot be used to light each other, which is why we use the Shamesh Candle to light the Menorah. It's not one of the 8 Chanukah candles, so we set it in a place above the rest. The Shamesh is also known as the ‘servant candle’.On Friday night, we have to light them before it gets dark and before we light the Shabbat candles.
How do we light the candles :
We place candles in the chanukiyah from right to left, but we light the candles from left to right. We light them the same way as we read hebrew
On the first night we light one candle on the right side. On the second night we light the new, candle first, starting from the left and moving to the right. We continue this way every night of Chanukah, adding a candle each night.
On the first night we light one candle on the right side. On the second night we light the new, candle first, starting from the left and moving to the right. We continue this way every night of Chanukah, adding a candle each night.
Before the first night of Chanukah (or the first time on Chanukah you perform this mitzvah), recite all three blessings. On all following nights, say only the first two:
1. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam A-sher Ki-de-sha-nu Be-mitz-vo-tav Ve-tzi-va-nu Le-had-lik Ner Cha-nu-kah.
2. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam She-a-sa Ni-sim La-avo-te-nu Ba-ya-mim Ha-hem Bi-zman Ha-zeh.
3. Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-he-nu Me-lech Ha-olam She-heche-ya-nu Ve-ki-yi-ma-nu Ve-higi-a-nu Liz-man Ha-zehA few pics of the kids working hard making their chanukiyah : Chag Sameach
Sunday Funday chanukah sing along :
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