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It is easy to put some money in a tzedakah box, bring some food to the food box at the supermarket, bring an old coat to the homeless clothing drive.  Doing tzedakah is important and can be easy for us sometimes, but being tzedakah is harder and takes practice.

So what is tzedakah?  Tzedakah is mitzvah (a commandment).  It means righteous or just (justice).  In other words being fair.  Like when playing in the school playground and giving each friend a turn, that is being fair or being just. Sharing your toys with someone. Last week we learnt to say the blessing over the challah,  and we said it because we are thankful for food, but their are others who do not have food and that is sad.  And if we think of them more often and do something to change it, doing something good without expecting something back, that is being tzedakah.  It is also recognising that some situations are not fair and taking the time help make things better.

The act of doing tzedakah is important.  Doing good towards someone is easy but we don't alway think of it or taking the time to do it.  How often do we say 'I want this or I want that' but wait and think of what it is like when we receive something we did not expect.  Instead think how we would make someone feel by giving them something they need.  Acts of tzedakah can be in holding the door for an elderly person when they come in behind you.  Giving toys you don't play with to someone who don't have toys.  Helping your parents.  There isn't a specific way to give, but many different ways of giving.  It doesn't matter why or where or when you give, the importance is recognising that at times we need not be on the receiving end.

So today we will make our tzedakah boxes with a project in mind.  Each week before shabbat check your pockets to find coins and put them in your tzedakah box.  Over the weeks, and until your box feels heavy and also in keeping with Tu Bshvat which was celebrated recently, we will get together our full boxes and take them to KKL in Paris so they plant a tree for the kids pf Sunday Funday in Israel. 

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