" A fun place to learn"


March : Passover is already here !

Sunday, March 21st, we went to the eastern suburbs to start celebrating Passover. It all started off in song with 'Baby Moses' and once we came to the point where Moses was all grown up and living in the "palace" we set up around the table and had a short "seder" where we learnt about the traditions, discussed the seder plate, and sang the Mah Nishtanah.

At the point where we usually break for the meal, we headed to the kitchen to bake our matzah.
(Recipe below)

Thank you to Rebecca who hosted the class and for opening her home to what was the longest Sunday Funday 'goûter' we ever had !

Homemade Matzah recipe :

Ingredients :
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup whole-wheat flour

Preheat the oven to 450° (or higher).
In a large bowl mix the flour and water until you have a soft, kneadable dough.
Knead for 5 minutes
Let the dough rest for a couple of minutes
Break off egg-sized portions of dough and stretch each portion as thin as you can
Then roll it into even thinner oval slabs
Prick each slab with a fork to form a line of wholes
Place slabs in the baking sheets and palce it in the oven.

Bake until matzah is crisp and buckled 8-10 minutes. Cool

NOTE : You only have 18 minutes from the time the flour meets the water to put the matzah in the oven or the dough will begin to rise.

Age 3 : Only 9 chairs - Deborah Uchill Miller
Age 4 : Too Many Cooks : A passover parable by Edie Stolz
Age 5 : Nachsin who was afraid to swim by Deborah Bodin Cohen

Le premier pessah de sammy Spider et je colorie pessah qui est disponible dans les trois bibliothèque autour de rue de Rosiers à Paris

Thank you to Rebecca who hosted the class and for opening her home to what was the longest Sunday Funday 'goûter' we ever had !

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